General Election May 2010

Well who will I vote for in this exciting General Election?

The trouble is we don’t really live in a democracy. Even now, as Nick Clegg and his Lib Dems charge up the polls, we all know what will probably happen.

The nearer we get to May 6th, the more Labour and Conservative parties warn of the Country’s imminent downfall under a hung parliament, the more people get the jitters and are forced in time honoured fashion to vote Red or Blue. Is this really a democracy?

Each of the parties has around a 30% chunk of the vote but due to our ludicrous voting system the number of seats bares no relation to the number of votes cast. I think it would do some good to have 3 real choices rather than 2.

Labour and Conservatives warn that to change the voting system would lead to there never being a clear victor – only because they would probably lose. If more people really believed their vote counted – as it would under proportional representation, then maybe they would vote for what they really wanted. Currently it’s a case of deciding which is the worst of two evils.

In honesty I don’t think I’d trust one of them to run me a bath.

Here’s our choice:

Gordon Brown
– Already running the economy – has been since 1997, but now apparently he’s going to sort everything out.

“It is a choice between building a future that is fair for all, or a change that puts the recovery at risk, threatens public services and makes life tougher for families.”

Surely no one could be dumb enough to think things under Labour would suddenly get better. Name anything that is better now than 13 years ago – I can’t.

How can a man claim he’ll change things when he’s already proved he can’t?

David Cameron

“Under a Conservative government, charities, voluntary groups and a new generation of community organisers will help tackle some of the most stubborn social problems.”

I think locking the anti social blighters up or putting them in the stocks might work better!

Nick Clegg

“The Liberal Party exists to build a Liberal Society in which every citizen shall possess liberty, property and security and none shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. Its chief care is for the rights and opportunities of the individual, and in all spheres it sets freedom first.”


Oh the choice, the choice…

I had high hopes for David Cameron. He speaks too poshly for most people. It may be true Etonian Queen’s English but I can’t help think it rubs people up the wrong way. Surely he could try and tone it down a bit.

I know, I know, it doesn’t matter, it’s policy that counts. But it isn’t, is it. Any fool can see that – here’s the evidence:

Michael Foot – Dirty looks / rain coat / untidy – No votes.
Neil Kinnock – Ginger hair, Welsh – No votes
Tony Blair – Young, presentable – Prime Minister

Fast forward to 2010 –

Nick Clegg – Young, presentable – Who knows?? We’ll probably end up with Cameron and Clegg sharing the job!

People aren’t bothered about policy. The vast mass of our population are happy to sit at home on a Saturday night watching utter drivel on TV as Graham Norton finds the next ToTo or watching Ant and Deck choosing the next pop superstar. The majority won’t have a clue as to what’s in each manifesto.

All they care about is how the aforementioned candidate talks and looks. Easy.
Shame really.

If just one stood up and finally said – “Enough is enough” and actually put forward some radical solutions, then just perhaps they might get chosen for their policies.

But no, whoever wins we’ll be hard pushed to spot the difference:

Roads full of pot holes, old railways overcrowded with late running trains. Dirty hospitals with long waiting lists. Soldiers being killed daily for no real reason. Taxes beyond reason. Banks propped up by the taxpayer to feather their own nests and choke businesses into the bargain.

You may argue that without government there would be anarchy – We’re always told we can vote for whatever we want, but we can’t. If I listed all the pathetic laws we now live under and asked people which ones they really supported, I think it would be an eye opener. Most are foisted on us without mercy.

Oh well – Conservative, Liberal Democrat or Labour (More poor quality choices are available), whoever ends up in the hot seat on 7th May, I’m sure I won’t see much difference.