Population Reduction


With the growing problems created by an ever increasing population along with the reduction in food production being caused by climate change, we should take a look at many of our laws and beliefs and rethink the rules.

For decades we have fought against disease and famine, which we’re all glad about. On a personal level that’s understandable – we all want to live as long a happy life as possible and the same for our loved ones. The average life span has increased drastically in the last couple of centuries. This has helped the world’s population to increase from around one billion in 1800 to around seven billion today. This is anticipated to rise to nine billion in under 50 years, and then ever upwards.

Trouble is the world can only support about 7 billion so we’re already in trouble. The problems can already be seen in many poorer areas of the world.

Government and laws all revolve around our ‘human rights’ and the battle to save every last life, however worthless it may be.

Why is it then that we spend billions of pounds fighting to keep every last human alive. Horrible as this may sound, the truth is we should be doing our best to downsize the earth’s inhabitants not save every last one. We can’t just keep increasing in numbers – it will lead to disaster.

Why are so many people against euthanasia or assisted suicides. They are determined to keep alive even the poor sods who really don’t want to be here. Let them go. The ‘do-gooders’ constantly appear on TV to fight against those wanting to end their own miserable or painful lives just so they feel better about themselves – they’re not really interested in other’s opinions.

The whole ‘health and safety’ policy of our governments are designed to remove the chance of every possible accident – Don’t use a ladder,  don’t drive without a seat belt, don’t go on a building site without a hard hat, make sure your turkey’s cooked properly… and on and on. Why?

If people want to drive without a seat belt and subsequently kill themselves, so what? That’s one more gone. If I want to climb up a wobbly ladder and fall off – so what? Surely that’s my problem.

We could save a fortune by removing the police and other busy bodies from trying to catch us out at every opportunity and put them to some other use – such as catching criminals – a far fetched suggestion I know!
Road deaths have stood at around 3500 for a number of years, and despite spending billions trying to catch every poor sod who exceeds 30 miles an hour, the deaths remain at the same level. Why not let everyone have a free for all and yes, we would lose a few more people, that’s a small price to pay for freedom on our roads. The trouble with the current system is this –  even if we save every last motorist and pedestrian, we can’t afford to keep them all in old age anyway – the country’s bust.

If people decide to cross the road without looking, we could just accept it as stupidity. If I get drunk and drive into a tree, well, so be it. If I kill innocent bystanders, then I agree, lock me up and throw the key away and please don’t give me a TV in my room.

I refer to my earlier article on ‘Burglars’ – we should just be allowed to shoot them – there are enough people on the planet without spending thousands trying to rehabilitate scumbags – 80%  reoffend anyway so let’s not waste the cash.

David Black